To be fair, to the cab-driver community, cab rides are not half bad on the way back. Especially when I used to travel at 2 in the night, everyday (or is it every-night? even when your day began at 4 PM?). And something about late nights seems to bring out the absolute best in cab drivers, they are an enthusiastic and happy lot post midnight, belting music out those wonderfully tinny radios they all seem to have (consequently making me raise the volume on my ipod to ear shattering levels; i do NOT want to listen to "chitranna chitranna" in the middle of the night.)
Blissfully empty roads, music on the ipod, the wind trying to pull you away into the night by tugging at your hair, and it always seemed like the cab driver was navigating the road to the tune of the music in my head. Heady stuff that.
But then, those were the days, when midnight jaunts for pastries and ice cream were routine. Heady midnight cab rides are now a thing of the past, sacrificed for the sake of the 9 to 5 grind. The 7 PM cab ride back home with the snarling traffic, angry as hell cab driver and the honking and even the occasional snake-spotting, simply does not compare.
If only i knew that those rides were not going to be a lasting affair. And if only you never had to grow up.