06 February, 2011

Cough Syrup-ed

These are the weird things that cross my brain when cough syrup is in the system:

Ben Ali's period of lording over Tunisia is exactly as old as I am. The Bofors scam is about a year older than I am.
There is that strong smell of rebellion in the air, or maybe it is just my neighbour's maniacal midnight cooking-fest.
Most status updates on social networking sites are relationship/love-related.
People seem to hate Justin Beiber. A lot. So much that there is now a Rajnikanth-Beiber joke. Isn't it more effective to completely ignore him?
The list of Books-to-Buy is disproportionately growing. My salary is not.
Then again, why is my theory of Lets-Go-Back-to-Barter-System laughed at? I could have traded some of my stuff for the books I want. (No, we cannot go into the economics of that)
Anarchy. Is it good? Is being an Anarchist "cool"?
Alexander McCall Smith is by far my greatest accidental-discovery.
Ideas always come to you when you least expect them: in the middle of the night, when you're desperately jabbing on the keyboard at work, when there are serious parental-lectures underway, when pen-paper/electronic devices are not within reach, when you are most likely to forget them in about 30 seconds.
So that is why i'm typing bleary eyed, because I did have an idea that needed to be put down, but by the time it reached Blogger, it is now forgotten.
Good Night?

1 comment:

Mayoor said...

Do u think about bofor's after Cough syrup???
That Kinda weird.. I Jus watch a movie in my mind, when im on something which gives a similar effect like a Cough Syrup.